Bound by a shared interest in incredibly fun learning, Jane, my cousin-in-law who teaches at Basis and I prepared some awesome activities for the Grade 3 and 4 students of Basis last May 2021. In preparation for their field trip to an archaeological site, I sent them activities for their classes so that they could learn about archaeology before they go exploring! Of all of these activities, I think it's safe to say that the highlight was excavating cookies! These cookies were specially made for them and they recorded, measured, and ate (of course!!) their cookie excavation sites during class. On the last day of our interaction, I popped in for a live session where I told them stories about my favorite archaeological site (Ille Cave!) and also answered questions that they had about the amazing stuff we find when we dig and the hard and slow work of archaeologists.
Jane wrote about the class experience here: (On mobile swipe left for English translation!)